Nazca represented the NGOs of conservation and research of corals of Ecuador at the Second Meeting of the Regional Initiative for the Conservation and Wise Use of Mangroves and Coral Reefs in the Americas (Ramsar Wetlands Convention, 14-16 of June 2011). This meeting gathered delegates from the governments of Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Peru and Ecuador, as well as various NGOs from the Region. The objective of the meeting was to work on the Initiative strategic framework, including its mission, vision and objectives on a consensus base. Priority areas and necessary activities for conservation and sustainable use of mangroves and corals of Region were identified. The results of this work will be use as basis for the next meetings of the Initiative that will take place in December 2011 in Jamaica, and subsequently at the 11th Conferences of the Parties to the Ramsar Covention (COP11) in Romania in 2012.